Saturday 27 August 2011

cyber bullying

             Bullying has been around forever but cyber bullying is different because it lets a bully remain anonymous. What is cyber bullying? Cyber bullying is a serious issue. It is harassment caused over the internet or cell phones. Cyber bullying occurs when a child torments, harasses, or threatens others.  It is easier to bully in cyber than it is to bully face to face. With cyber bullying a bully can pick on people with much less risk of being caught.This is never involved with an adult or that is known as cyber stalking. Students think it’s so cool to bully others when they are just playing around but the victim will most likely take it seriously

What are the ways to prevent it? One way to prevent cyber bullying is by telling others to never pass                  on harmful messages about someone to others because that person could be really embarrassed about it. You can also step up to friends and tell them to stop cyber bullying only if they are. Another way is by letting parents watch what their children are doing on the internet. That way the parents know if anything is wrong with their child. There are many more ways to prevent cyber bullying.
Many people may think that cyber-bullying is not a problem in life, well think again it can change a victim’s life forever by just one offensive comment about them. I will make sure the victim want to commit suicide, drop out of school, and suffer from self-esteem issues like depression and anxiety. What cyber-bullies would do in order for them to trace their victims? For cell phones they are able to contact with others by texting or calling but for the internet it would have websites where most kids would join now a days such as, facebook, myspace, twitter, blogspots, and e-mail. I would say that the internet is one of the best places for cyber-bullying than through cell phones because when communicating through the internet they are able to not only associate with only their victims.
 Kids become cyber bullying because it is a way for them to bully someone without having to get in trouble at school, and they can do it anonymously. Kids who are insecure with themselves are usually the ones doing the bullying. It is truly sad to hear that teens and even kids are committing suicide because they were bullied so badly over the internet. When a teenager or kid feels that the only thing to turn to from being cyber bullied is taking their own life, then something is very wrong.        
How to report it? You can report cyber bullying by letting your parents know. They will take care of the situation but just in case they do not let the staff of the school know. They must take care of it immediately.

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